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[Symposium fondateur]« Global Issues and Sports » du réseau SPRINT

22 octobre 2021 @ 10 h 00 min 17 h 30 min

Le symposium fondateur (en anglais) « Global Issues and Sports » du réseau SPRINT – Sports and Politics Research International Network Group, qui aura lieu le vendredi 22 octobre 2021 de 10h à 17h30 en ligne et en présentiel dans les locaux d’ESPOL (83 Boulevard Vauban 59016 Lille),. Le symposium débutera à 10h en salle H 022 avec l’intervention du keynote speaker Miguel Delaney (The Independent) prévue de 13h45 à 14h45 en salle I 104.

Résumé : The Tokyo Olympics in July and August this year highlighted how sport and politics mix, with issues around issues such as race, gender and nationalism – and of course the controversy about the role of sport at a time of a huge public health crisis.

This one-day symposium will analyse how sport interacts with issues of global politics. An international group of academics and practitioners will examine questions of climate change and greenwashing in sports, of sports and human rights, of sports and globalisation, and other topics. 

The keynote speaker is Miguel Delaney, chief football writer at The Independent, who will be speaking on the subject of “FIFA, UEFA and the future of football”. The event will also be used to officially launch SPRING, the Sport and Politics Research International Network Group, a new research forum on sport and politics around the world.